Thursday 20 June 2013

Our Definition of a Kaitiaki

A kaitiaki is someone who is a guardian and who takes care of people or things.
Our parents are our guardians. Our teacher is our kaitiaki at school. Ms Tafa is the kaitiaki of the whole school.

A kaitiaki also looks after our Earth's natural resources because if we don't look after the Earth the natural resources will run out.

These are some kaitiaki we know so far:
NIWA,  Greenpeace,  Border Security,  Forest and Bird Society, Dept of Conservation, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests (Ministry of Primary Industries) Monarch Butterfly Trust, Ministry of Fisheries, wildlife reserves, Water Care, Biosecurity, Scientists......

We also looked at some pictures of environmental problems around the world. Each group worked out what was the problem, what was causing the problem and what could be done about the problem. After we had presented our ideas we ranked the pictures in order of which ones we, as 8 and 9 year olds, could help with. This would be us being a kaitiaki. We decided that the pictures showing the effects of rubbish being where it shouldn't could be the sort of problem we could help with.

1 comment:

  1. Great! work Rm 14 I had fun learning with you Rm 14 Sahil
