Friday 6 September 2013

Week 6

Another exciting week in Room 14. First of all Lyn Kriegler, a real life author, illustrator and puppeteer visited our school and spent time talking with us, answering our questions and sharing her stories with us. As one of us said "We had an awesome time with her."

Lyn told us a story with her puppets about a baby dinosaur and one of the punga people.
Then on Friday Rhythm Interactive performed in the Hall. There were 233 Juniors and Middles in the Hall and each of us had a drum!  John and Lucie from Rhythm Interactive taught us rhythms to play, they showed different kinds of instruments and we played and played those drums. Even the people not in the Hall must have heard us. It was great!

1 comment:

  1. Great photos of the drumming Room 14. My camera couldn't cope with the speed of students' hands... and our photos are a bit blurred!
