Friday 23 August 2013

Week 4

On Friday we visited Te Tuhi Centre for Creative Arts. We performed our version of the Rainbow Fish, learned about the way that stories are told and reasons for story telling, made posters about the story, and viewed some amazing art work.

Earlier in the week we had another dance session with our teachers from the University of Auckland, finished our prints after the style of Jo Ogier, a New Zealand printmaker who has been our model artist, continued our work on inferring in Reading, implying in Writing and fractions and geometry in Maths! We also found time for some more netball coaching. All in a week's learning.

Sunday 18 August 2013

Hide and Seek

In our writing we are learning to imply, that means to give clues about what's happening rather than just telling.

We read a poem called Hide and Seek and then we wrote our own sentences implying that we were hiding. All of our sentences have been organised to make this verse of a poem.

Here I come, ready or not!
I crawl under my bed. The dust tickles my feet.
No one will find me in this dark, spooky place.
I stay in the dark shadows.
My chest fills up with excitement. I can hear them,
giggling just above my bed.

I am still and small. I stay really still. 
They won’t be able to find me here.
I try not to breathe.
Waiting for someone to find me.
I’ve got to stay still and quiet.
I won’t move. I won’t move a muscle.
I won’t say a thing.
Nobody can see me. I’ll stay forever quiet.
They will never find me here.

It’s been a long time, they still haven’t found me.
The voices of my friends fade away.
I am safe now.

I feel like I’m invisible.

By Room 14

Friday 16 August 2013

Week 3 in Rm 14

This week we have experienced being artists - visual artists, dancers and mime artists! We were also the audience for a performance of And the Winner is... .
We have had our second netball coaching session, continued to develop our inference skills in reading and when we write we are learning to imply. Keep a look out for our poem next week. We are also busy with our learning about fractions and finding a fraction of a set as well as our times table and geometry learning. Phew!



Working as a team


Friday 9 August 2013

Week 2

It has been another busy week. We started our dance lessons with dance students from the University of Auckland...


completed the second round of our Arts rotation AND began netball coaching.

Friday 2 August 2013

Term 3

Here we are back again after the holidays.
Already one week has passed.
Our topic this term is.....
We have a message. How do we communicate it creatively?
This week we have been having a taste of the Arts, learning about inferring, geometry and fractions. We've visited the school library and enjoyed seeing the changes there that will help us use the library to find information more easily.We are keeping an Arts reflection journal and are looking forward to the many experiences that are ahead of us in Topic as well as the other learning areas.
Keep watching our blog to keep up to date with what we are learning this term.