Wednesday 10 July 2013

But that wasn't all......

We also went to visit Rooms 8 and 9 and shared a story with them about a stream that wasn't looked after and became polluted because people kept putting the wrong things into it.

Then today we delivered this letter to each of the classes in the school. We felt very proud, happy and special to be able to share what we had learned and to be asking others to help too. We also  took the posters we had made to some of the classrooms too.

Dear Stanhopers,
We have learned that stormwater drains all lead to the sea, so we have decided to pass this message on to you.
Our school has at least 26 stormwater drains, and there is rubbish down every single one of them! This rubbish goes out into the sea and harms all sea creatures.
Save our seas by not littering near stormwater drains.
Be a KAITIAKI today!!!

From Room 14

Keep reading our blog to find out what our next action is!!!


  1. that was cool putting staff in the lake RANIYAH

  2. that lake look realy yuk at the end
