We decided that the rest of the school needs to know that stormwater drains go straight to the sea because there is a lot of rubbish in our school drains. Whatever goes down a stormwater drain will end up in the sea. It's not like dirty water from our houses that is treated and cleaned before it is released out to sea again, stormwater just goes to the sea! So rubbish, oil, paint, detergent all end up in the sea and effect sea life as well as our beaches.
We decided that....
the rest of the school needed to know and our parents and families need to know this too.
So... we are making posters, making signs, telling a story, designing drain messages and writing a letter.
Here we are hard at work. keep reading our blog to find out what we are going to do!
Poster makers |
Designer |
Painters |
The drain painters practising |
Concentration! |
wow room 14 you did an wonderful job.
I liked how Christian did his painting.Erica
ReplyDeleteI think that it was a good idea to tell the rest of the school this piece of learning. Joyce*
ReplyDeleteThe photo looks like people are working really hard really hard RANIYAH
ReplyDeletewe did a job.alexs
ReplyDeleteit was fun drawing with chalk by the drain and it was fun learning about the stormwater drains i learned that it goes straght to the sea. akshitha
ReplyDeleteRoom 14 you did a wonderful job. Navyaa
ReplyDeleteThis was the best idea ever if I could i would do it again.Hannah
ReplyDeleteIt was fun painting the drains.akshitha
ReplyDeleteIt was fun looking at the posters.akshitha